Friday 26 January 2007

The nightmare boss

Imagine you have worked for a company for 10 years on the promise of a better job with a company in the same industry but not a competitor. And the manager who interviewed you seemed really nice. Well thats what happened to me.
I was getting a bit fed up with getting knowhere in the company I worked at. There were redundancies happening and any available vacancies were being filled by those about to be made redundant. I sent a letter en spec to a similar company and a week later got a phone call saying there was a position and was I interested. I couldn't go for an interview for at least a week but they seemed ok with that as I couldn't get time off at short notice. So off I go for the interview, all goes nicely. Have a meeting with the HR department as well plus do one of these psych test things. Then I had another chat with the manager who we shall call Tracey and we really seemed to hit it off. I came out of the interview thinking it went well, then about 2 hours later I got a call from HR offering me the job. I handed my notice in and joined them a month later. Well I knew on the first day I had made a mistake. I had signed a contract saying my position would be one thing and although I was doing some of it, I wasn't doing all of it. I can't say too much as my former colleagues do blog on this site themselves and if they read my industry they might guess its me. But with being the new girl I didn't want to say too much. Some of my new colleagues used to work at the company I had just left so at least I knew some people there. But my manager changed from the lady who interviewed me. She turned into a patronising witch who belittled me and humiliated me at every turn then in the next instant was my best friend advising me on how to handle my personal life - none of which I asked her for. Turns out I was the latest in a long line of people she had done this too but the others had transferred to other departments. Anyway, this job started to make me ill and I am rarely ill. I put up with this for 4 months then it all came to a head before Christmas. I had made enquiries with recruitment agencies in the meantime who had said they would have no trouble placing me even if it was as a freelancer for a while. So when I went back after Christmas vacation I gave my notice. Tracey changed again, was all sweetness and light. I did complain about her to HR when I gave my notice and they said they would deal with her after I left so it didn't make it uncomfortable for me. Thing is Tracey's manager has now tipped her off that I made the complaint and she turned again. Last week she totally humiliated me in front of the whole office and was a total b***h!! Everyone was disgusted with her but because she has been with the company for years, she gets away with it. Or so I thought!!! I was really ill over the weekend and went to see my doctor on Monday. He immediately said I wasn't to go back and he has authorised my sick leave so I don't have to go back before my official leaving date next Friday. I contacted HR and told them, they were very apologetic again. I did say I didn't want to speak to Tracey and they said i wouldn't have to, they would deal with her. Have since had some lovely emails from former colleagues saying they miss me and glad that finally someone has stood up to her. Will keep you posted as to what happens there. So at the moment, I am signed off and now have a poorly daughter, although saying that while posting this she seems to have a new lease of life!!

First posting

Hi everyone
Wow, this is my first time at doing a blog, so please don't shoot me down in flames if this is really boring or complete rubbish!
I think to protect the innocent (my daughter and family members) and the not so innocent (my not very nice boss I will tell you about later) I'm going to change the names. I also don't want to get hit by a lawsuit by said boss for slander!!
Where shall I start. Well I'm 38 years old, only a couple of years away from the not so dreaded 40! In fact I am looking forward to it - mad I know! You know, I was not looking forward to hitting 30. That event happened in 1998. Not helped by my husband (soon to be ex but again more on that later) being 3 years younger than me and teasing me senseless about the fact I was an old so and so and would soon be drawing my pension! He even went so far as to get the embarrassing photos of my parents - charming. I don't like to make a big fuss about my own birthday but I do like to make a big thing of it for my daughter. Well, she's only 4, you have to. Anyway, I hid the photos, threatened to castrate my husband if he did anything remotely embarrassing and my birthday came and went. Not sure what I was expecting - nuclear blowout for hitting the big 30, cannon fire. Nope, I felt no different. Plus people didn't believe I was 30. I'm lucky that I have inherited my mom's excellent skin. She is 78 but looks late 60's. When I hit 30 people thought I looked 25 and still think I look younger than i do. But you know what, I think I have enjoyed my 30's more than my 20's. I've visited several countries, had my daughter, am currently in the final stages of a divorce with my husband who I am now really good friends with and am in a great relationship with a former colleague who I have known for over 5 years and was a great support after my separation.
I tell you, staying friends with your soon to be ex husband is not easy, especially when I was the one who ended it. We were married for 9 years and have a gorgeous daughter. But he worked away a lot and we both changed from the people who got married. I took the step of saying that neither of us was really that happy and we should call it a day. You know what? The only person who was surprised was my husband. Even his parents weren't surprised saying they had known it was a matter of when not if. We have since both admitted that we knew it wasn't working but for the sake of our daughter we gave it a go. It hasn't been easy and we've worked hard but we now have a good friendship, so much so that RJ (I will call him that as those are his initials) even called me earlier for a chat. Well, actually our daughter is off school ill today so he called to see how she was but then had a chat about his boss, his ex-girlfriend giving him grief and general stuff. Yep, thats how good friends we have become, we discuss our new relationships. In fact our lawyers have said they wish most of their divorced couples were as amicable as we are as it makes their jobs a lot easier. So, here I am. Posting my first blog. Charlotte (that was going to be her name until a month before she was born) is playing and a few of my friends blog so I thought what the heck, I will give it a go. I will post again about the nightmare boss!